Sunday, April 15, 2012

Preliminary Protocol: Settings

Before we begin our conquest, there are a few things we must do. Note that all pictures are from Creative Mode and not an actual PvP Server, as it would be dangerous to my infinite riches.

Go to the bottom of the page for a simple summary.




 Access your in game menu by pressing the Escape key. I recommend turning your FOV (Field Of Vision) all the way to "Quake Pro". Yeah, it looks a little weird but you eventually get used to it and it becomes very useful in a fight. Being able to see more than your opponents is a great advantage.
 The second thing you must change, which is even more important than FOV is your Q, otherwise known as "Drop Item". In combat, people always end up hitting Q at some point. Soon after, they die and lose their armor and potions.

Video Settings and Sensitivity 


Another major setting which I can't live without anymore is brightness. When you're going for sheer efficiency like you should be in a survival situation, seeing more is dying less. Turn your brightness all the way up, it makes even the darkest of caves at least somewhat navigate-able.

Because I have an older MacBookPro, which is not that fast, I have to find a careful balance between View Distance and Quality. If you have a fast computer, go all out.

View bobbing is just ugh. Not for killers like you and I. Disable it and you'll fly.

Sensitivity should be at a comfortable spot for you. Higher sensitivity means less accuracy but more mobility. If you're killer with a bow and positioning tactics, maybe a low sensitivity is for you. Some mice even have on-the-go sensitivity switching.



1. Go to the in-game menu.
2. Increase your FOV (Field Of Vision) and find a comfortable Sensitivity.
3. Go to the Video Settings sub-menu and change it according to your computer's specifications. Balance View Distance and Image Quality.
4. Go to the Controls sub-menu and bind "Drop" to something far away from your movement keys.

"Step One: Resources and Step Two: Diamonds" are coming soon, probably today!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How to win: Minecraft PvP Tips

Greetings, you've come to the best place on the web for Minecraft PvP tips and tricks. I will be covering everything from resource gathering to underwater bases to actual combat itself. I'll show you how to get that pristine diamond set and defeat your enemies. Play smart and win!